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Complete the following steps to integrate your Facebook Page with our service
Written by
Krystine Jagmis
Updated over a week ago
Complete the following steps to integrate your Facebook Page with our service. Your Page must be on the
New Page Experience
You will be giving us partial access to
your Facebook Page
, so that we can have access to your Facebook Messenger chats.
1. Log into Facebook.
2. Click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner, and select the profile for your business.
3. The Manage Page section will appear on the left side. Click on “Settings”.
4. The “Settings” section will now appear on the left. Click on “New Pages Experience”.
5. Under “Manage and view access”, in the “People with Facebook access” section, click on the “Add New” link.
6. The “Add new” modal will appear. Click “Next”.
7. Under “Who should have Facebook access of this Page?”, click into the search field and type “Approachment Zac”. It should look something like this:
8. Select that profile.
9. On the next screen, click on “Give Access”. You do not need to give us full control of your Page.
10. On the “Give Access” screen, re-enter your Facebook password.
11. You will now see us listed under “People with Facebook access”.